Rabu, 20 Julai 2011


dear my yellow nike,
you are wonderful just the way you are
i adore your yellowness.
you are rare yet AWESOME
you made me love you
although yellow is not my favourite before

i've decided my mind,
for me,
you are speacial
you are my only lovely yellow nike.

so please
don't feel down for your yellowness.
coz i'm not a princess
who deserve perfection

so please
don't isolate yourself in the drawer
cos i want to wear you

so please
dont let me to be a fool
who waiting for my lost nike to come back
at a Lost and found counter

i'm not asking you to come back easily
you lost,
it was my fault,

do give me an instinct
if you already have new owner
if your heart are not at home
and if you dont want me to wait silently anymore
because for me,
silent are serial killer
and you are my lovely yellow nike

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